Read (and hear) the interview by Carolyn Hadlock to Giovanni Emanuele Corazza, founder of the Marconi Institute for Creativity, on the necessity and dangers of expertise, balancing creative ideas with business principles, and how even non-human organisms and non-living things
The man in the techno-science era – Presentation of the book by Bellini and Agazzi – Online event (in Italian)
Siamo lieti di invitarvi all’evento online di presentazione libro di Gianpaolo Bellini ed Evandro Agazzi: “L’uomo nell’era della tecnoscienza: Dialogo tra un fisico e un filosofo“. Discuteranno con gli autori Mario Alai, Vincenzo Fano e Lella Mazzoli. La tematica è di attualità estrema: una riflessione sulla
Game of Drones – Online event
Starting from the example of Guglielmo Marconi and his pioneering work, the seminar will analyze how emerging technologies affect the security landscape and consequently the world geo-politics. The world in which we live is highly Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, and Ambiguous
Open Innovation Workshop
In times of uncertainty, visionary innovation is a must. But the risk associated to this kind of investment should be shared within an ecosystem, which can provide the integration of complementary knowledge. This is essentially the idea behind
MIC Conference 2020: One week is left!
A week is left for MIC Conference 2020! We are very pleased to inform you that the updated version of the full program can be found on the conference website: We would like to report here the impressive list of Invited Speakers
MIC @ VEM Systems: Forsight and Creativity, Future and Futures (in Italian)
Anticipare significa cogliere i segni del futuro nel presente. In una fase storica caratterizzata da enormi trasformazioni è necessario sviluppare attitudini prospettiche, per prepararsi a gestire le sorprese. Dopo un veloce aggiornamento sull’attuale congiuntura storica, presenteremo alcuni aspetti degli Studi
MIC Conference 2020 – Virtual Edition: September 14-16, 2020
New Modality, New Dates & Extended Call for Contributions! Due to the emergency caused by COVID-19, the MIC Conference 2020 will be held in a virtual mode on new dates: September 14-16, 2020. Given that this new modality can potentially
New dates for the MIC Conference 2020: June 15-17!
NEW DATES: June 15-17, 2020 Due to the current situation regarding the coronavirus covid-19, and the difficulty to predict what the international situation will be by April 23-25, the MIC Conference Organization Committee, along with the ISSCI Board, have decided to
The deadline for submitting your contribution for the MIC Conference 2020 is approaching fast!
You have until Feb 10 to submit your abstract for the 4th MIC Conference 2020. Three forms of contributions are foreseen: Symposium, Individual Presentation , or Poster. At this Conference you’ll be able to meet and discuss with several Members
National Congress dedicated to Gianni Rodari (in Italian)
Per rendere omaggio a Gianni Rodari (1920-1980) nel centenario della nascita, il Comune di Sasso Marconi organizza il convegno nazionale “Per una scuola fantastica: Gianni Rodari e il semaforo blu”. In programma sabato 7 marzo nelle sale del settecentesco Borgo