Organic Creativity for Well-Being in the Post-Information Society Editorial for the Europe’s Journal Of Psychology (Volume 13, issue n. 4) by Giovanni Emanuele Corazza The editorial dwells upon the technology-driven evolution from the Industrial to the Post-Information Society, indicating
SACHER: final innovative ideas for the cultural heritage

Final ideas from the course “Innovative Ideas for Cultural Heritage” within the SACHER Project On October 12, 2017 at 13.00 on ( the ideas generated during the course on the generation of innovative ideas for the cultural heritage organised
Upcoming US events: Giovanni Corazza at Buffalo, New York, and Omaha

Upcoming MIC Events on “The Dynamic Universal Creative Process: Extended Evolutionary Perspectives” Monday October 2, 2017 Buffalo State’s International Center for Studies in Creativity Thursday October 5, 2017 Pace University, NY Friday October 6, 2017 University
Marconi Society Blog: Securing Blockchain and The Applications of the Future

A new discussion on the Marconi Society Blog: Securing Blockchain and The Applications of the Future From the first work conducted by Stuart Haber and W. Scott Stornetta in 1991 to its entry into the popular lexicon in 2014,
A Short Theory of Failure: a new paper by Giovanni Corazza
A Short Theory of Failure A paper by Julia Von Thienen, Christoph Meinel, and Giovanni Emanuele Corazza published on Electronic Colloquium on Design Thinking Research Failures are a key concept in design thinking. They are discussed as a resource for learning,
Serendipity and Creativity

Serendipity and Creativity: an ISA forum 28th June – 14:00 to 18:00 – Palazzo Marchesini, Via Marsala 26, Bologna The Institute of Advanced Studies (Istituto di Studi Avanzati, ISA) of the University of Bologna organizes a discussion day on “Serendipity
ISMICS 2017: A keynote address by Giovanni Corazza

17th International Society for Minimally Invasive Cardiothoracic Surgery (ISMICS) scientifc meeting A keynote address by Giovanni Corazza This year the meeting will be organized in Rome from 7th to10th June. On Friday June 9, Giovanni Corazza will held a keynote address
Vlad Glaveanu’s Seminar – Bologna, 5th June

Is creativity in the eye of the beholder? Conceptual, methodological and practical reflections by Vlad Glaveanu Bologna, June 5, 2017 On Monday June 5, Vlad Glaveanu (Aalborg University) will held a seminar entitled “Is creativity in the eye of the beholder?
OpenWay: a talk on thinking outside of the box

OpenWay: Digital Banking & Paymenys Leadership 2017 Forum 31/05/2017-01/06/2017 The Forum will take place in Berchtesgaden (Germany). On Tuesday June 1, Giovanni Emanuele Corazza will held a talk entitled “Think out of the box: creative thinking as a revenue generation tool“. For more
News from Marconi Society Blog

New interesting discussions on the Marconi Society Blog The Internet’s Next Frontier: Getting Better at Getting Better Together: a discussion on the People Centered Internet, founded by Mei Lin Fung and Vint Cerf How the Wireless Revolution will Make