New interesting discussions on the Marconi Society Blog



ConnectToThrive-1030x555The Internet’s Next Frontier:  Getting Better at Getting Better Together: a discussion on the People Centered Internet, founded by Mei Lin Fung and Vint Cerf


motorola-dynatacHow the Wireless Revolution will Make a Better World: Marty Cooper’s thoughts on the three areas where wireless will change the equation drastically



Starving in the Land of Plenty: The True Story of Consumer Bandwidth: John Cioffi’s thoughts on why we struggle for bandwidth in a world overrun with it and how  the industry will change.


HaoZouArticleWhy We Have to do Better: The Case for Tech for Good: Hao Zou’s work to use technology to improve lives in healthcare and financial services



The Internet’s Wild Ride:  From Trust to Cyber Security Threats: how the internet has changed since Len Kleinrock connected two computers together and his new network design

News from Marconi Society Blog