Prof. Giovanni Emanuele Corazza will give the presentation entitled “the Science of Creative Thinking as an Accelerator for Industrial Innovation” during the Meeting of Technical Directors of CRIT Associated Shareholders – CTS ( Scientific-technical Committee) – November 5, 2015.



CRIT is a private company founded in 2000 upon initiative of a group of internationally recognized enterprises with the aim to create an enviroment where shareholders could identify and utilize cutting-edge advanced technological information and to foster synergies between main actors in the field of industrial innovation.

During his speech for the Techinical Directors of CRIT Associated Shareholders – CTS, Prof. Giovanni Emanuele Corazza (MIC) will illustrate how time has come to lay the scientific foundations of the discipline of creative thinking. Starting from MIC multidisciplinary bases and background, companies and enterprises can develop business skills to approach the systematic generation of ideas for new products, services, and processes. Along with the ability to anticipate future scenarios, companies will then adcquire competitive advantage, accelerating the increasingly necessary innovation processes.

The Science of Creative Thinking as an Accelerator for industrial Innovation: Giovanni Emanuele Corazza @CRIT