G.E. CORAZZA, S. AGNOLI Abstract In this introductory Chapter, we state the fundamental elements that underpin the science of creative thinking, recognizing at the same time that we are following a path towards the establishment of that science, and that
On the impact of ICT over the creative process in humans
G. E. CORAZZA, S. AGNOLI Abstract In this paper we dwell upon the effect that Information Society at large, and the use of ICT technologies in particular, have on the ability of humans in generating new ideas through a creative
Introducing Irrelevant Information in the Creative Process: the DIMAI model for Fashion Design
G.E. CORAZZA.S. AGNOLI, S. MARTELLO Abstract In this article, we describe the DIMAI model for creative thinking, which incorporates the introduction of irrelevant information in order to generate new ideas. The model is applied to the fashion design creativity context,
Counterpoint as a principle of creativity: extracting divergent modifiers from The Art of Fugue by Johann Sebastian Bach
G. E. CORAZZA, S. AGNOLI, S. MARTELLO Abstract The main message carried by this article is that counterpoint can be taken as a model approach for the introduction of contrasting elements, not only in musical composition but also in the
Estimating Creativity with a Multiple-Measurement Approach Within Scientific and Artistic Domains
S. AGNOLI, G.E. CORAZZA, M.A. RUNCO Abstract This article presents the structure and the composition of a newly developed multifaceted test battery for the measurement of creativity within scientific and artistic domains. By integrating existing procedures for the evaluation of
An eye-tracking analysis of irrelevance processing as moderator of Openness and creative performance
S. AGNOLI, l. FRANCHIN, E. RUBALTELLI, G.E. CORAZZA Abstract Openness has been identified as one of the personality traits with stronger association to creativity into the Five-Factor Model of personality. But what are the psychological mechanisms that relate Openness and
TRIZ as seen through the DIMAI creative thinking modell
S. AGNOLI, G. E. CORAZZA Abstract The aim of this paper is to show that TRIZ is not an isolated theory, but a set of tools that can be interpreted in the light of general theoretical models for creativity. In
Measuring Creativity through a Multi-sided Measurement Approach within Scientific and Artistic Domains – Abstract
S. AGNOLI, G. E. CORAZZA, M. RUNCO, J. BHATTACHARYA Abstract This paper presents the structure and the composition of a newly developed multi-sided test battery for the measurement of creativity within scientific and artistic domains. By evolving and integrating some
Creatività strutturata e impresa: da lusso a necessità – MIC @BBS

The workshop “Creatività strutturata e impresa: da lusso a necessità“ will take place at Bologna Business School (Villa Guastavillani, Via degli Scalini 18 – Bologna) on October 7, 17.30.
Creativity and Leadership: Plenary session of 2015 AHRMIO Annual Conference

The 2015 AHRMIO (Association for Human Resources Management in International Organizations) Annual Conference “Re-imagining Leadership in International organizations” will be hosted by the Bologna Business School from September 28 to September 30, 2015. The AHRMIO conference presents a