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Bologna Business School

25th – 28th June 2015



The MIC’s mission to consolidate methodologies and processes for the increase of creative thinking is now part of the high level Educational Proposal of the Bologna Business School. The first opportunity is the new EXECUTIVE PROGRAM IN CREATIVITY AND INNOVATION, a three-days course that will take place in the amazing Villa Guastavillani – Bologna.

The course, which will be held in Bologna next June, will be devoted to the generation and the assessment of new ideas, in order to make it a systematic habit for everyone.

The main idea behind this course (and MIC’s thought) is that the creative thinking should be a day-by-day activity for any kind of business that aspires to be leader, rather than follower, of its marketplace. This is the reason why all the theoretical and practical contents of the course are specifically targeting directors, managers, supervisors and entrepreneurs.

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MIC at Bologna Business School