21.03.2015 SAVE THE DATE


Create movement, witness modernity, share and value diversities and highlight progress 


The Mediterranean, where culture and knowledge, technology and tradition, art and identity are brought together, is expressed in Mediterranean Carousel, TEDxRoma 2015 topic.

The willingness is to explore and share passions and experiences of the countries that it represents. The 2015 edition of TEDxRoma involves speakers coming from 14 Mediterranean countries.


From Immobility to Movement 

Mediterranean countries are constantly moving, evolving and changing, driven by centripetal forces that increase and enforce expression through diversity.

From Tradition to Modernity  
Often perceived as archaic and traditional, the Mediterranean Sea has evolved into a launch-pad of modernity and innovation, introducing unexpected visions and future scenarios through icons of contemporary culture, many of whom will share their visions at TEDxRoma 2015.

From Differences to Richness 
A moltitude of diverse colors, traditions and customs, many of today’s Mediterranean countries are transforming a body of differences into multi-faceted unions. Among them, distances converge harmonically, generating richness and value. Science and art, technology and history, architecture and tradition, and design and exploration are leading protagonists fostering these ties in an ever- spinning Mediterranean Carousel.


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TEDxRoma 2015