EXECUTIVE PROGRAM IN CREATIVITY AND INNOVATION Bologna Business School 25th – 28th June 2015 The MIC’s mission to consolidate methodologies and processes for the increase of creative thinking is now part of the high level Educational Proposal of the Bologna
TEDxRoma 2015
21.03.2015 SAVE THE DATE TEDxRoma: MEDITERRANEAN CAROUSEL Create movement, witness modernity, share and value diversities and highlight progress The Mediterranean, where culture and knowledge, technology and tradition, art and identity are brought together, is expressed in Mediterranean Carousel, TEDxRoma 2015 topic.
TEDxRoma 2015
21.03.2015 SAVE THE DATE TEDxRoma: MEDITERRANEAN CAROUSEL Create movement, witness modernity, share and value diversities and highlight progress The Mediterranean, where culture and knowledge, technology and tradition, art and identity are brought together, is expressed in Mediterranean Carousel,