The MIC Institute interviews Leonardo Chiariglione The Marconi Institute for Creativity asks to Leonardo Chiariglione some questions about creativity, to understand his vision of the creative thinking process. Starting from the description of the mental phases which caracterized the invention
Giovanni Corazza at TEDxRoma: out-of-the-box-thinking
Giovanni Corazza at TEDxRoma: how to get out of the box and generate ideas Long Thinking vs. Fast Thinking Giovanni Corazza at TEDxRoma talks about the out-of-the-box thinking. It is fundamental to consider information which is out of place, incorrect,
The role of creativity measurement in efforts to support invention
The Keynote Speech of Mark Runco at the MIC Conference 2013 The role of creativity measurement in efforts to support invention Creativity plays an important role in many important human processes, including adaptation, evolution, and invention. Care must be
From Idea to Realization
From Idea to Realization: the importance of Creativity in our society Federico Faggin (the inventor of the Microprocessor) identifies in creativity the starting point of the complex innovation process. He maintains that both the individual and the collective drives are
Creativity according to Vint Cerf
Creativity according to Vint Cerf Vint Cerf (father of the Internet) thinks that creativity happens in small groups of people. Do you agree or do you think that new ways of interacting, as cloud opportunity, would soon give to
Some questions on scientific genius and scientific progress

Some questions on scientific genius and scientific progress The recent paper published by Simonton on Nature has already opened a debate in the scientific community. Summarizing, he maintains that “genius in science has become extinct”. In his opinion “scientist today
Creativity and Science: contrasting or complementary terms?

Creativity and Science: contrasting or complementary terms? Can really the creative insights be understood in scientific terms? Or better, does it really matter? The question I raise is whether the scientific approach could add some value to creative thinking. In the common sense,