Dear Participant,
the start of the EC3 Conference is less than a week away!
In the following, you can find some further details regarding the EC3-3rd MIC Conference organization.
Program: You can find the overall program at this link: https://mic.fgm.it/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=411&Itemid=70 and the Book of Abstract here: https://mic.fgm.it/images/stories/EC3/ec3%20mic%20conference%202019_book%20of%20abstracts_online.pdf
Opening Event: The Thursday June 20 opening event will start at 7:30 PM in Piazza Maggiore in Bologna (the meeting point will be visible) and will continue with a dinner at Cantina Bentivoglio, serving world famous traditional bolognese cuisine in a jazz music atmosphere, in the city center. Dress code: smart casual.
Presentations: All presentations will be at the Conference venue, Villa Griffone, the home of Guglielmo Marconi, a magnificent building in Pontecchio Marconi. More information on the venue can be found at this link: https://mic.fgm.it/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=402&Itemid=67
Transportation to the conference venue: On June 21 and June 22 a private transportation coach bus from the Bologna city centre to the Conference Venue and return has been arranged for the 3rd MIC Conference participants. More information on timing and pick up points for this service can be found at this link: https://mic.fgm.it/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=412&Itemid=71
Live streaming: The EC3 Conference will be part of the Webinar Series on Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts by the APA Division 10. All presentations will be taken on camera and streamed in real-time. Please be ready to sign an authorization, if you agree to do so, that we will give to you at the conference registration. This is a great chance to enhance the visibility of your work!
Best Presentation Award: A Best Presentation Award is foreseen. The awardee will be selected by the audience through ratings given by attendees at the end of each session. Keynote speakers are not eligible for the award, due to their longer allocated time. The Award itself was crafted by a Bolognese artist.
Social event: A cocktail will be offered on the evening of June 21 at Villa Griffone. Before the cocktail, a guided visit to the Marconi Museum within the Villa is foreseen for Conference participants.
Transportation from Geneva to Bologna: In the case you will attend also the EC3 Creativity Week in Geneva, we would like to remember to take advantage of the organized tour, which includes the transportation from Geneva to Bologna and the lunch on June 20th. Some tickets are still available here: https://ec3-conference.eventbrite.it. More information on the organization of the tour (pick up point in Geneva, timing, lunch, etc.) can be found here: https://mic.fgm.it/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=413&Itemid=72
See you soon in Bologna!
EC3 – MIC Conference: Final organization notes