Cream workshop @ULL : advanced computational methods in system neuroscience

CREAM workshop @Universidad de La Laguna

 On the occasion of the CREAM meeting hosted by ULL, a workshop dedicated to advanced computational methods in system neuroscience will take place

July 17, ULL – Facultad de Ciencias, Campus de Anchieta – Tenerife

The last decade has witnessed an rapid increase in the applications of advanced computational methods in the field of system neuroscience. Specifically, the combination of functional connectivity (FC) indices and graph theory has allowed gaining further insight into brain function from multivariate recordings of EEG, MEG and fMRI data. In this CREAM workshop, some of the latest advances of this active field of research will be reviewed, including aspects such as the study of dynamic brain connectivity, advanced graph theory methods, the use of FC patterns for classification and the efficient estimation of non-linear FC indices using high performance computing for real time applications.


Dr. Javier Buldú
Complex Systems Group & GISC – Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
Laboratory of Biological Networks – Centre for Biomedical Technology
Madrid (SPAIN)

Dr. Fabrizio de​ Vico Fallani
INRIA researcher
Brain and Spine Institute (ICM)
Paris, (FRANCE)

Dr. Bob W van Dijk
VU medisch centrum
VU University, Amsterdam (THE NETHERLANDS)

Ing. Juan García-Prieto Cuesta
Grupo de Ing. Eléctrica y Bioingeniería, ULL
& Lab. de Neurociencia Cognitiva y Computacional, CTB-UPM


For more information please visit the ULL website and workshop dedicated page

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