Multidisciplinary Contributions to the Science of Creative thinking: a book edited with the support of CREAM

The book Multidisciplinary Contributions to the Science of Creative thinking, edited by Giovanni Emanule Corazza and Sergio Agnoli (MIC and FGM – CREAM partner) and recently published by Springer (Hardcover and eBook), has been edited with the support of the CREAM European Project. Among the authors of the book we have Joydeep Bhattacharya (GOLD – CREAM partner) with a chapter entitled: “Neurocognitive Aspects of Musical Improvisation and Performance”.

This book offers a multidisciplinary and multi-domain approach to the most recent research results in the field of creative thinking and creativity, authored by renowned international experts. By presenting contributions from different scientific and artistic domains, the book offers a comprehensive description of the state of the art on creativity research.


From the Preface:

Multidisciplinarity is in fact a fundamental element in the spirit of the Marconi Institute for Creativity (MIC), founded in 2011 at the joint initiative of Fondazione Guglielmo Marconi and University of Bologna, with the specific aim of contribut- ing to the establishment of the science of creative thinking and its divulgation in educational and research milieus. Working on this book with the support of the CREAM European Project, funded by the European Commission FP7 Programme, we selected the chapters to be the expanded forms of the best papers presented at the MIC Conference 2013.

Here the link to the book


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